September 8, 2024



Linden couple loses home to early morning blaze

The house that was destroyed in the fire

A Linden couple is now homeless after an early Monday morning fire destroyed their home located at 541 Moraballi Street, Retrieve, Mackenzie, Linden. No one was home at the time. The head of the home Malcolm Archer, told INFO 10, that he was on his way to Georgetown and his reputed wife was on her way to work the seven to seven shift as a security officer. “I was on my way to Georgetown when I get the news and I had to catch a car and come right back to Linden,” the distraught man said. He lived at the residence since 1973.

It was a two-storey home and he said fortunately, the bottom flat which was concrete, was not destroyed, so he will be dwelling there in the interim. “I done went and buy a hammock, and  I will be staying downstairs until I can do better, I don’t have light and water but I will make do,” Archer said.

He estimated the losses to be in the millions and claims he has no idea what might have caused the fire. He is thankful however that everything in the lower flat was saved. “All the clothes on the line, toilet and bath everything down stairs so I will make do, tomorrow I will buy a matrass,” he said.

Neighbours saw smoke coming from the top flat of the home, which was wood and had three bedrooms and summoned the fire service. The fire tender reached the scene in a matter of minutes and was able to control the blaze before it destroyed the bottom flat of the home.