July 27, 2024



LECI gets new Board of Directors

-Dublin to remain as General Manager

By Naomi Marshall

Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, has installed the new Chairman and Board of Directors for the Linden Electricity Company Inc. (LECI), that will give strategic policy direction to the company.

Prime Minister Phillips addressing the new LECI Board

On Wednesday, Phillips declared Andrew Forsythe as the Chairman of the Board, while the other members of the board are Aubrey Major, Joan Monkhouse, Orin Wilson, Hazelyn Luther, Audwin Rutherford, Nizamudin Ally and Abdoul Majid.

In his address at the Watooka Guest House, the Prime Minister stated that he expects the workers of LECI and the new Board to work together to improve power generation and life in Linden.

He noted that in today’s world, development cannot take place without energy, since energy is required to do everything pertaining to advancement.

Phillips highlighted that in Guyana’s 2021 Budget, $2.3B has been allocated for LECI’s operations and as the subject minister, he will be monitoring what is being done with the money to improve the lives of the people of Linden.

“Our government is interested in development. We have five years in government and five years of development for all Guyanese. Linden will develop under this government,” he added.

Members of the new LECI Board

Additionally, the Prime Minister cleared all rumors that the General Manager of LECI, Patrick Dublin, was being replaced. Phillips, made it clear that Patrick Dublin will remain the General manager of LECI.

In an invited comment, Dublin said that he is happy that all rumors have been cleared as he has given the company 47 years of service. “Since 17-years-old I was there, from LINMINE, for 47 years…..I am happy the Prime Minister made everything clear to us today. I will support the new Board, it is a lot of young minds,” he said.

In giving brief remarks, the newly appointed Chairman, Andrew Forsythe noted that the Board is focused on providing the people of Linden with quality and reliable electricity.

Also at the event was Minister of Public works, Juan Edghill and the staff of LECI.