July 27, 2024



Shaquawn Alleyne was addicted to drugs

Friends described him as a ‘Dark’

Shaquawn Alleyne

Shaquawn Alleyne, the prime suspect in the murder of Shonnette Dover, and who is now on the run, was addicted to illicit drugs such as methylenedioxymethamphetamine commonly known as molly and ecstasy. He was also a popular seller of these drugs, several persons confirmed. In fact the 21-year-old was remanded to prison in 2018, for having in his possession 16 grammes of amphetamines, for the purpose of trafficking.

One of his close friends related under anonymity, that Alleyne was not only a social user of the mind-altering drugs, but consumed them in large amounts. “The man was a real crack head budday, real crack head; always popping, day in day out,” he said. In the recent years, Alleyne gravitated towards music production and has recorded a few songs. He was also the founder of Express Yourself, a youth group that aimed to promote local talent in Linden. The songs he recorded, were a display of violence and gangsterism.

In addition to being a drug addict, friends described his as dark and evil. “The man always putting up some devil emoji, always talking some dark stuff……..these weird weird philosophies about evil stuff,” the friend said. One old neighbour of Shaquawn, said a few year ago, he had the entire neighbourhood in an uproar, after relating that he is seeing a ‘backoo’. “He said he see this ‘backoo’, stand up by the grandfather bridge with some lil suitcase…………..he had the whole a Silver Town up and down, running up and down saying this ‘backoo’ running behind he. Then he would stand up still all the time on the bridge,” the old neighbour said.

Shedding more light on his personality was Shonnette’s father Selwin Haywood, who said Shaquawn was bizarre and his recent statuses on Whatsapp, caused him to reach out to other persons to interpret what message he is really sending. “I see this man putting up a seta real scary things, so I had to send these pictures to a girl who know about them things, and she said Selwin I’ m sorry but this thing mean dark overpowering light……it means a sacrifice….she said Selwin I am sorry but he kill your daughter,” The grieving father said he use to feed Shaquawn with a short spoon, because he knew he had killed his daughter and so he kept him close to get it out of him. “I send away me girl and use to get him close to me, I use to invite he at me almost every day, I use to get he hay, I use to feed he with a short spoon because I wanted him to talk,” Haywood told INFO 10.

He said Shaquawn’s entire demeaner was strange; he was a ‘sick head’, he said, but he couldn’t choose for his daughter. Shonnette, he said, revealed to him that Shaquawn would allegedly beat her, even days before she disappeared. One of the status Shaquawn had up mere days before the body was found, Selwin said, was a similar scene to how the backyard now looks with the shallow grave. “As soon as I go in the backyard, this thing come right back to me, is like is the same thing he had up with like a passage way and this darkness at the end of the passage way,” he said.

Selwin said he wants justice for his daughter.