July 27, 2024



Region 10 Chairman accuses Gov’t of sidelining RDC

By Naomi Marshall

Regional Chairman Deron Adams

Regional Chaiman Deron Adams contends that the current administration is sidelining the mandates and functions of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region 10. The current council, which is opposition based, he claims, is not being recognised, hence the will of the people is being ignored. This allegation was made on Tuesday at the PNCR’s weekly press conference.

In October 2020, a new regional council was elected, with Adams being nominated as Regional Chairman of Region 10.

During Tuesday’s press conference, Adams stated that since it’s appointment, the government has been disregarding the works of the legally elected local government body. “At the RDC, the government continues its campaign of ignoring the legally elected representatives of the people in many ways, and had it not been for the strong representation and actions of the councillors of the 9th Regional Democratic Council, this situation would have been totally out of hand by now.”

Adams noted that the government has been continuously making decisions and carrying out projects in the region without notifying or involving the RDC.

“The latest example of this is the signing of lease agreements at the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs for the villages of Malali and Hururu, to engage in quarrying and logging respectively, totally without the knowledge and involvement of the RDC. At least the courtesy of informing the council would be expected as these villages fall within Region 10,” Adams highlighted.

According to the Chairman, calls have been made to address issues affecting the region’s people including the stagnant sports situation; the poor execution of awarding contracts to local contractors; the need for a fire station on the Wismar shore, and the call for a new Mackenzie/Wismar bridge, among others.

APNU/AFC Member of Parliament, Ganesh Mahipaul

However, he indicated that the calls for help continue to go overlooked by the government. 

Adams added, “While unemployment is an issue that severely impacts our youths and other sections of our populace, sport is an issue that is near and dear to our young people, but continues to be ignored by the PPP. The council has made calls for the appointment of a Youth, Culture and Sport Officer in Region 10 which has fallen on deaf ears…This region, which boasts of producing Guyanese Olympians in track, field and swimming, has neither a synthetic track nor an Olympic sized swimming pool to nurture the inherent talent of its residents.”

Meanwhile, APNU/AFC Member of Parliament, Ganesh Mahipaul, highlight Chapter 28:09 of the Constitution which states that the objectives of having local governance is to involve citizens in the task of developing communities in which they live.

Local governance also exists to ensure the citizens’ participation in organizing the political, economic, social and cultural life of persons living in the community. 

Mahipaul told reporters that, like Region 10’s Chairman, the Regional Chairman of Region Four and Seven are also being sidelined by the government, due to their political affiliations.

The Member of Parliament related that he will continue to advocate for the respect of the constitution and will remain focused on being a voice for the people.

He said, “As members of parliament we are currently engaged in the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) training session where we are allowed the opportunity to share our concerns with our counterparts in other regions. I intend to bring to the attention of the entire CPA participants what are those challenges.”

“We (the Opposition) have complained to many organisations that are related to our parliament and we will continue to do that. I will continue to do all that is possible to expose the work of the government in terms of them stymying development, especially in Regions Four, Seven and 10,” Mahipaul added.