July 27, 2024



New Wismar/Mackenzie bridge should be next on the cards

The current Mackenzie/Wismar bridge

Regional Chairman Deron Adams, is calling on central government to ensure a new Wismar/Mackenzie bridge should be the next big infrastructural project to be rolled out in Linden since this is necessary to facilitate the increased traffic flow that will be created from the construction of the Linden to Mabura thoroughfare. On May 20, government signed a $US190 million-dollar contract with Brazilian company, Construtora Queiroz Galvao S.A. for the construction of the road.

Motorists are already experiencing long waiting periods during peak hours to cross the bridge. Adams said this will get worse once construction commences with large machinery and heavy duty trucks crossing daily with materials etc. “The new Mackenzie/ Wismar bridge is a critical component for our region’s infrastructure and it will complement the proposed work that will start soon. In addition, I believe with the increased activity that is expected when the Linden to Brazil road is completed, we will definitely see an increase in activity and more so cash flow coming into our region. So the expected increase in traffic demands a better bridge. The bridge should start soonest to ensure that it is completed by the time the road is completed,” Adams said in an invited comment.

With the vast economic opportunities, the road will bring to the region, Adams said these opportunities can be missed if the bridge is not completed. “I believe it will have a powerful impact on our region when a country like brazil that has a large money supply and persons willing to invest is connected to a region like ours that has goods and services to sell or people who need work. This piece of infrastructure will definitely, reduce travel time, it will encourage investment and facilitate business interactions, tourism etc,” Adams said.

During the signing of the contract last Friday, Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill, said that a new bridge is on the cards.

The minister said there is no way that the government would construct a road of that magnitude, and not consider the upgrade of the bridge. He reminded residents, that the feasibility study, which commenced in 2018 is completed.

‘Development comes in phases, and with development that comes in phases the Linden-Wismar bridge is only a matter of time. It is not if, but when, and that decision is not far from being announced.

The studies are there, the designs are completed, the bills are there, we know the price. It is just a matter of time,” Minister Edghill disclosed.

The all-weather road will be 121 kilometres long and 7.2 metres wide with a two- lane carriageway. It will feature a shared cycle and pedestrian lane measuring 2 metres wide, along with 10 bus stops outfitted with ramps for persons with disabilities. A number of bridges and culverts will be replaced. Some 123 lights will also be installed along with nine vehicle rest areas..

With this road, Region Ten is well positioned geographically to become a major centre of business and finance.