July 27, 2024



Water levels in Kwakwani receding

  • Emergency works to fix damaged culverts
A flooded area in Kwakwani

Following four days of sunshine, water levels in the Upper-Berbice community of Kwakwani, have receded up to six inches, residents reported. One of the areas, Lamp Island, that was severely hit, is now under about two inches of water. Water has also receded from the main access road in the community making access to the community easier.

A high level team from the Ministry of Public Works visited the community of Monday to assess the situation especially the effect the flooding had on the community’s infrastructure. Two culverts were damaged from the flood which was threatening the foundation of a main access road. Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill, said that emergency works will commence on Tuesday, on the culverts. The works are expected to be completed within a week and the contractor has already begun mobilising materials.

Meanwhile residents Lamp Island are still being encouraged to relocate to higher ground as they continue to experience flooding yearly during rainy seasons. Though water has receded, community leaders are fearful that it may rise again, given the peak season for the ‘May-June’ rains is still to come. Last year, Kwakwani experienced one of the worst floods in over three decades.

Regional officials are still monitoring the flooding situation in Region 10. Water levels have also reportedly receded in Rockstone.