July 27, 2024



─$251.4 M contract signed to extend Tacama, Region 10 Road

Approximately 30,000 acres of savannah lands will become accessible for corn, soya, and sorghum cultivation, with a $251.4 million contract being awarded to Associated Construction Services, to extend the Tacama Road, Region 10.

The 25-kilometer expansion will allow the area to benefit from reduced production cost, through the reduction of transportation fees.

The two parties inked the agreement on Wednesday, during a ceremony held at the ministry’s boardroom.

“That road will help us to have better access to the corn and soya project. Last year, we cultivated 125 acres of the corn and soya, however, this year we will increase from that amount to 3,500 acres,” Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha pointed out.

The corn and soya project is currently being done in Dubulay Ranch, Ebini, Upper Berbice River. Last year, the project saw the cultivation of 111 acres of soya bean, and five acres of corn, resulting in a yield of 2.3 tonnes per hectare.
The aim of the project is to cultivate 56,000 acres or 22,400 hectares to satisfy the local demand, after which, cultivation for export to markets in the region will be targeted. In 2021, $500 M was budgeted for the continuation and enhancement of the project.