July 27, 2024



New squatters discovered at Phase Four Amelia’s Ward

CHPA says squatting hampering development of the scheme

More than 18 months after 400 residents of Linden were allocated house lots at Phase Four Amelia’s Ward, these remain inaccessible and though strides are being made by the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) to develop the scheme with the construction of roads, this effort is being hampered because of squatting. Last year, approximately 18 illegal structures that were in the path of the road were destroyed by CHPA and while those squatters were compensated and allocated lots, on Monday, CHPA announced that new illegal structures were discovered.

Chief Executive Officer of CHPA, Mr. Sherwyn Greaves, conducted a site visit at the developing housing scheme, however was disappointed at the report of new squatters emerging in the path of the road.  Some $300 million was set aside for infrastructure works to ensure that allottees can live in wholesome communities.

“Contractors have been working to clear the land for the construction of access roads, however, the emergence of new structures by squatters continues to stymie this development and affect the ability of legitimate landowners to begin the construction of homes for their families. The agency is therefore reminding persons that squatting is illegal and to desist from erecting structures in the area,” CHPA said in a statement. Those who were allocated land have expressed frustration at the long wait to access their lots and build their home.

“This year will make two years since we waiting, anxious and everything to collect land and now you have to wait. I’m saying the ones who wait on the system and do the right thing, feeling the squeeze, while the squatters getting off, getting compensated, getting house and all these things. I really wanted to put down my foundation last December and with this now I don’t know how long more, we will have to wait,” Gloria Long said.

Over $250 M has already been spent to compensate squatters.