July 27, 2024



Teachers, students attacked by armed teen gang at Harmony Secondary School

  • To strike until better security is provide
Teacher at Harmony whose face was injured during the attack

Teachers and students of the Harmony Secondary School, located at Wismar, Linden, are now fearful for their lives after an attack by armed teenagers who are members of a gang. According to the staff members, the youths ran into the school, allegedly armed with scissors, wood and a knife and attacked a student who was not able to identify another student who was involved in a fight with one of their alleged gang members.

The staff member related that the student involved in the fight went to get his gang members and they ran pass security and launched their attack while looking for the other student. “They ran into the school, ran pass the security and kicked open the door, leading to the auditorium, hit one of my colleagues in her face and it started to bleed,” one teacher related. She said in fear, the other teachers locked themselves in a room.

After an alarm was made, the police and officials from the Department of Education subsequently came to investigate the incident. Since it is reportedly not the first attack however, teachers are striking and joined parents on Tuesday morning with placards as they demand better security at the school. “We are calling for a police officer to be there at the school because these young men from (name of community given), this is not the first time, not the second time, not the third time something like this occur and something proper is yet to be done,” one teacher related. 

Commander of Region 10 Hugh Winter, said the matter is under investigation.