July 27, 2024



New APNU-majority Linden council to focus on human development

…..promises to hold central government accountable

A section of the crowd on Burnham Drive at the APNU Thank You Rally

The recently elected municipal candidates of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) in Linden, promise to focus on human capital and community development during their tenure. To do this, the council will hold central government accountable to provide the necessary resources for it to execute its duties effectively. Constituency One candidate, Sharma Solomon who has been touted for mayor, told a large gathering at a ‘thank you’ rally on Wismar on Sunday, that the council will remain committed to the residents and will consult with them for projects that should be funded by the annual subvention. “Our principle focus will be human development, you the people, those elderly people, those less fortunate and public servants, Solomon said in his address. Focus will also be given to ensuring community and part-time workers are secured in their employment.

Solomon said the constituents are the masters and the councillors are ready to serve and will demand from central government to support the desires of the council which will be in keeping with the residents’ wishes. “We are going to demand from them what they want and they will have to give us everything they ask for.” He also asked central government officials to involve the municipal and regional leaders while engaging the communities for better oversight and good governance. The Government he said, will always be relevant to the development of the town and if support is not given, it will be “tough times for the government and not for the people.” “We will walk with you and we will serve you and ensure you are protected,” Solomon reiterated.

The APNU won all eight constituencies and six of the Proportional Representation (PR) seats while the People’s Progressive Party won two PR seats.

Constituiency One Candidate Sharma Solomon

Campaign manager for PPP, Minister of Public Works, Honourable Bishop Juan Edghill, said in a recent interview, said that the government will continue to support the municipality and since 2020, visible to the eyes, on a daily basis, were interventions from central government for Linden and we will continue to do so.

Similar sentiments were shared by leader of the list Dr. Shurland Murray who said the council should work with the government of the day to see Linden gets what it deserves and that the town gets the best service, expertise and the development it desires.