July 27, 2024



Emergency meeting held to address concerns of Linden nurses

An emergency meeting was convened by the Management of the Linden Hospital Complex (LHC), following a well supported protest, by scores of nurses attached to that institution and other health facilities across Region 10.

They deliberated for over an hour on the nurses’ concerns which include the need for an issuance of risk allowance, early salary payment, adequate supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and a better organized transportation service.
The meeting was attended by recently appointed Regional Health Officer (RHO), Dr. Gregory Harris and CEO (ag) Michelle Bollers.
Dr. Harris promised to have the issues addressed expeditiously. Public Relations of the Linden Hospital Complex commented, “some of the issues raised can and will be dealt with at the management level and those that are beyond our scope will be forwarded to the policy making level at the Ministry of Health”.
The 2020 budget allocated $150 Million for front line workers. Many nurses voiced their disappointment over this figure.
The nurses marched from the ‘Five Corner in Mackenzie to the Linden Hospital Complex, chanting and holding placards labeled “Essential Workers need adequate compensation”, and “Decked in white like angels, with burying ground salary”.
They made it very clear that as essential workers, they must be beneficiaries of ‘ an essential salary’, which comprises of benefits such as risk allowance.
In addition, the nurses made calls for their own union, since they believe they are not adequately represented by the Guyana Public Service Union.