July 27, 2024



School uniform voucher distribution rolled out in Region 10

-increased to $4000

Prime Minister Mark Phillips distributing school vouchers in Kwakwani

Parents of school aged children residing in Region 10, can now access their school uniform vouchers, which will assist them in purchasing school supplies for children. Though the majority of the school population remains home as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, students of Grades 10, 11 and 12 are attending school. Lower Grade students are attending school via virtual platforms.

Last Friday, Hon. Prime Minister, Brigadier (ret’d) Mark Phillips, presented the first set of vouchers to parents of students attending the Kwakwani Primary School.
He took the opportunity to commend teachers in the Sub-Division for their hard work, “I would like to commend the teachers for doing a good job in educating our children.” Philips remarked.

In addition to increasing the voucher from $2000 to $4000, Phillips said his government will resume the $10,000 per child school-grant which was introduced in 2015. “January 1, 2021, the government will not give $10,000 per child, but $15,000. Continue to make more children, for every child you make, we will give you more money, but you must keep them in school,” Phillips said.
He further commended parents for keeping their children in school and urged parents to work with their children.

The $4000 uniform/School supplies voucher per child will be available for distribution in Linden on Tuesday, November 24.