July 27, 2024



Humanity First Guyana hosts successful medical outreach in Linden

Scores of Lindeners benefited from a medical outreach hosted by Humanity First Guyana in an effort to provide convenient medical services to persons in need, especially pensioners and other vulnerable groups. The outreach was held on Monday on Republic Avenue, Mackenzie and close to 200 persons were served by nine medical students attached to Humanity International and local doctors attached to the Ministry of Health. The services offered included physiotherapy, dentistry, general medicine and optometry. Free medication was also provided following consultations with doctors.

The initiative was made possible through collaboration with Humanity First International, the US Embassy, the Ministry of Health, Courts Optical and Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. A representative from the Jamaat related that the response for medical outreaches in Linden has prompted the organizers to host this one and will continue to do so in the future. “We would be here very often, seeing the progress and the response from Linden, it seems that this is a good place to host medical outreaches.”

Martha James was one of the pensioners who benefited from the outreach and applauded the organizers for the opportunity to be seen in a central location and to be given medication as well.