July 26, 2024



MHS Alumni group makes timely donation to school

A student receiving his tablet from Regional Executive Officer Mr. Akbar Chindu

The ‘Real 90’s Crew’, a Mackenzie High School Alumni group, consisting of primarily students who attended the institution from 1991 to 2000, made a timely donation to present students and teachers, to aid in virtual teaching during the pandemic season. Members of the Crew, on Tuesday, presented 65 tablets to students, most of who are in Grade 11 and are in preparation mode for the 2021 Caribbean Secondary Examination Council (CSEC).

The alumni group consists of past students residing in Guyana and the diaspora,  whose common goal is to contribute positively to the development and advancement of the school.  Administrator of the group Tricia Campbell, said that two projects were identified at the start of the year – the painting  of the Main Building along with the rehabilitation of the laboratory and a bag pack drive. The first was completed while the latter was no longer necessary since school was closed as a result of the pandemic.

 A decision was taken to reallocate the funds to a tablet drive as students were experiencing difficulty in accessing classes over virtual platforms. In collaboration with Sutton Care and Savage Garden, the ‘Real 90’s crew” was able to purchase the 65 tablets. The beneficiaries and teachers who attended the presentation ceremony, all lauded the initiative and dubbed it as a timely one, given the difficulty many students were experiencing in accessing online classes.

The remodeled portraits of former Principals

 The Regional Education Officer   Mr. Akbar Chindu, also applauded the initiative and said that the Department will be adapting a similar one to target students in need, from other schools.

 In addition the Alumni crew also remodeled and reframed the portraits of former Principals of the school in an effort to beautify the lobby area and to allow present and former students to connect with their forerunners who would have left a legacy for them to follow. Campbell said that the members met with the teachers who related several other needs of the school and projections are currently being made to have those needs met at the earliest.