July 27, 2024



GPSU awards NGSA students in Region 10

Industrial Relations Officer of GPSU Region 10 Maurice Butters, presenting a bursary to a student for his success at NGSA

The Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) last Friday, awarded seven students from the Upper-Demerara Upper-Berbice (Region 10), with bursaries, for their recent success at the National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA). Those awarded are the children of members of the GPSU.

The simple award ceremony was held at the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) Boardroom. Industrial Relations Officer for Region 10 Maurice Butters, said that the GPSU strives to celebrate their workers and their children. This year it was more fitting to present the bursaries, since the children and parents would have acquired success during a pandemic.

The GPSU is also celebrating 97 years since formation and parents were also presented with tokens in recognition of this anniversary.

Regional Chairman Deron Adams presenting a bursary to a successful student

A total of 23 children received bursaries across Guyana. Butters said that in Region 10, the GPSU has members working at the Linden Hospital Complex and the RDC. He encouraged these organizations to include bursaries in their annual budget. “Management should play an important role in the families of their employees. If the children of the workers are happy, the workers will be more happy and will make a better contribution, so we call on these organizations to include bursaries in their budget,” the Trade Unionist said. He also encouraged the children to continue working hard to achieve success in their academic journey, so that they can be awarded continuously. Present at the ceremony was Regional Chairman, Deron Adams.