July 27, 2024



BIT to role out training programmes in Region 10, Sub- Region

     The Board of Industrial Training (BIT)  is expected to roll out several training programmes in approximately two weeks,  in the Upper-Berbice District (Region 10). Communities such as Kwakwani, Ituni and villages in the Upper-Berbice River, are expected to benefit. Residents were formerly consulted on what programmes they wish to participate in, that will empower them further.

   They however believe that in addition to the training programmes, more needs to be done in the area of job creation, to truly transform the socio-economic status of the communities. With the scaling down of RUSAL’s operation, the economy of these communities that significantly depended on bauxite mining, has been stagnated even further.  “We need jobs, when we do these training, where will we go and apply our skills learnt? “RUSAL is out of operation,” one resident expressed to the Minister of Labour, Hon. Joseph Hamilton.

Hamilton in response said, “Think of diversification, if you continue to hold on to the 1950’s and 1960’s, you’ll be lost. Invest in the forest and gold mining, you have lots of agricultural lands, make use of them.”

According to Minister Hamilton, apprenticeship programmes for trainees will open doors of opportunities in the private sector.  

    He is also calling on the residents to take full advantage of the entrepreneurial training that will be offered, that will aid them in becoming their own bosses.  

    Interested persons can only participate in one programme at any one time and a stipend of six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) will be granted each month.

   For additional details on training programmes, persons can contact the Sub-Region’s BIT officer, Pam Ramberran on 694-5531.