July 27, 2024



LHC Dialysis Centre now operational

The Dialysis Centre at the Linden Hospital Complex

Six months after it was commissioned, the Dialysis Centre located at the Linden Hospital Complex is now operational and is providing hemodialysis treatment to patients with end-stage kidney disease. The Dialysis Centre is a partnership between the Government of Guyana and 5G Dialysis Centre.

 Dr. Le Andre Hinds, Medical Associate, is in charge of facility and explained to INFO 10, that the patients can benefit from the services Monday to Friday from 08:00 hrs to 16:30 hrs.

 Persons with renal failure are required to take two-three sessions of hemodialysis per week; one session costs $12,000. Dr. Hinds explained that when someone is diagnosed with the disease, he/she is given a cheque of $350,000 from the government, to fund the first set of dialysis sessions.

When that is finished, patients are faced with the financial challenge of securing $36,000 per week. It was an added struggle for patients residing in Region 10, to also meet travelling expenses. Trips to Georgetown two to three times per week can cost up to $15,000.

Dr. Hinds said that since there is only one nephrologist in Guyana, who is employed at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), patients may still need to travel from time to time for check ups as well as to complete laboratory tests.

 Since operations commenced last Monday, the Centre has already performed dialysis on three patients but the statistics show that approximately 45 patients registered at the Dialysis Centre at GPHC, reside in Region 10. Persons desirous of being treated at the Centre, can visit the Linden Hospital Complex or call 444-4572/632 11 86