July 27, 2024



Inclement weather obstructing completion of GRA road

The current state of the GRA road

Drivers continue to express concern over the state of the thoroughfare in front of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), and the slothful way the project is being executed. The pot hole laden road causes much discomfort to drivers and passengers when traversing the area and has resulted in drivers expending thousand of dollars in vehicle maintenance.
Regional Executive Officer (REO) Dwight John, explained to the media, that the Ministry of Works holds responsibility for the road and the contract was awarded by the Ministry.
The contractor, Orin Charles, related to INFO 10, that he was only awarded the contract for the drainage works and not the road. He said the road rehabilitation will be executed by the Ministry of Works – Special Projects Unit.
Charles said the inclement weather has delayed the completion of the drain and he is hoping to complete same in the new week.
Drivers are calling on the relevant authorities to priorities the road works, since it not only costs them but it affects the smooth flow of traffic in the area. “This road is leading to the hospital and it is like this for the longest while. When President Ali came up here they give us patch patch work to cover shame but it didn’t last. Day in day out, this road costing us money on vehicle parts and when we raise the passage is a hue and a cry,” one driver playing the Wismar to Mackenzie route, told INFO 10.
“This road is the main road leading to the hospital and this is the state. If you coming with an emergency case, a accident victim, or a pregnant woman, right hay they would get damage up and no body is not making this road a priority,” another irate driver said.