July 27, 2024



400 Lindeners now closer to owning their home

-Construction of 40 houses to commence in weeks

A resident of Linden pulling her allocation number

The Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA), Dream Realised Housing Drive, was taken to Amelia’s Ward Linden and approximately 400 residents are expected to be allocated house-lots over the two-day exercise, which commenced on Tuesday. The exercise also saw 144 persons who were previously allocated house-lots, being presented with their Certificate of Title.

The event marks the third Dream-Realised initiative by CH&PA, which aims to clear the back log of the thousands of applications in the system and to allocate 50,000 house lots over the next five years. Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues, said that today’s activity is very significant for Region 10 because of the limited allocations that were done over the last five years and the long and frustrating waiting period, residents were forced to endure. “When you compare what took place in the housing sector…..360 house-lots were allocated by the previous administration in total in Region 10, this exercise alone today, will see the allocation of 400 house-lots….so it is extremely significant, our accomplishment here in Linden today,” she said.

The minister urged residents of Region 10 to take advantage of the opportunities for development the government will be bringing to Region 10, rather than to resist it.

When you receive the opportunities, you take of the opportunities that we offer to you, you are not doing us a favour, you are helping yourself to improve your own lives, elevate your standard of living, to provide a better future for your children, to develop your communities, your region and by extension, to develop Guyana,” she said.

Similar sentiments were expressed by Minister Colin Croal, who shed light on the government’s housing project. He said in a few months, the government will commence the construction of 40 houses in Amelia’s Ward. Clearing of lands for this project has commence. This is part of the 1000 homes project that President Irfaan Ali, announced to Lindeners in January. Croal said that this project will also create widespread job opportunities for residents and he urged skilled workers such as block makers, to tap into this project.

Relative to allocations, the minister said that systems are in place to give allottees the full package when they purchase a house-lot; this include all necessary infrastructure and amenities to live comfortably.

For those who did not receive a house-lot during the two-day initiative, the officials assured them that they will be allocated one, as CH&PA works assiduously to clear the back log. Applicants are urged to keep updating their information in the system.