July 27, 2024



Contractor to redo substandard road in Linden

Regional Chairman Deron Adams inspecting the recently rehabilitated road in Rainbow City

Following concerns that some of the roads recently completed are not up to the standard it should be and are reflective of the scope of works, the Regional Democratic Council Region 10, has called out contractors for their negligence and the Regional Administration has thus far demanded from at least one contractor, to resurface a road that was poorly done, in Rainbow City, Mackenzie. Following inspection of the recently rehabilitated road by Regional Chairman Deron Adams, Regional Executive Officer, Dwight John and a team of Councillors , a decision was made to have the contractor resurface the road immediately. Adams said he immediately observed the road having a uneven surface and upon disembarking his vehicle, several areas were observed to be already deteriorated. “This was even though the road markings were painted, indicating the work on the surface has been completed. All of the Councillors registered questions with respect to the longevity of the road, given their observations,” Adams said, so that residents can receive value for their money.

a section of the rainbow city road that is already deteriorating

REO John, subsequently visited the particular road and expressed his dissatisfaction with it and called out the contractor for negligence. He said the road will be resurfaced immediately. “I am encouraging contractors to get proper technical people to assist them because not all contractors are engineers, so you have to make sure you have your technical people, your engineer draftsman, surveyor and so forth because if you mess up the road, or the bridge or the building you will do it back,” he affirmed. Like the Councillors, John said he has to ensure residents get value for the monies allocated to the region by the Government.

Regional Executive Officer Dwight John inspecting the road with a number of Councillors

In addition, Councillors have expressed concern over the rehabilitation of roads without accompanying drains. This will decrease the longevity of the structure. RC Adams said that while a motion was moved earlier in the year to have drains accompany each road rehabilitated, funding did not allow for this to happen, however as road are completed, an inspection team will be verify to ensure all completed roads are to the standard it should be.

Out of the $4.7 B budget for 2021, a total of $550 M was allocated for infrastructural works.