July 27, 2024



Hughes, Fields and Stoby Law Firm launches Linden office

Managing Director of Hughes, Fields and Stoby Nigel Hughes, poses with councillors and members of LCICD

The Law Firm Hughes, Fields and Stoby, has established an office in Mackenzie Linden, with the aim of building investment capacity within the town and by extension Region 10, in addition to providing legal services. Managing Partner of the Firm, Nigel Hughes, told INFO 10 that the investment is primarily focused on bringing investment to the region, given its strategic location and unique opportunities it has available for support industries, within the oil and gas sector. “We think that Linden is strategically located, it already has some port facilities and has better infrastructure such as land to support the oil and gas industry,” he told INFO 10.

The mining town, which is deemed the gateway to the interior, he said is poised to become the leading supplier of goods and services to the mining sector and other sectors that operate in the interior. The firm is aiming to sell Linden as a tier one investment destination and will use its marketing strategies, to market the town to international investors, particularly those in the oil and gas sector. He also spoke of Linden having the longest runway in the country, and the firm will market this facility to international air logistic companies so that its capacity will be exploited.

Hughes, Fields and Stoby will also be lobbying for Linden to become a centre for training in the oil and gas sector. The Managing Partner said the Firm is very confident in its investment in the town and foresees major economic benefits being derived. In addition to mediating investment opportunites, the company will be offering all categories of legal services to residents. This investment has also created opportunity for Lindeners to be employed.

On Wednesday, Hughes and his partners met with Regional Chairman, Deron Adams, councillors of the RDC and members of the Linden Chamber Industry, Commerce and Development to introduce the Firm and to share its mandate with the regional officials.

Adams said he fully endorses the investment and used the opportunity to highlight the Regional Economic Advancement Partnership to the Attorneys, which is a program established that speaks directly to the investment policy decisions aimed at addressing and effecting economic development in Region 10 and supporting job creation for residents. “We are excited about the opportunities that will flow from this investment that the company is embarking on here in the region. The time is ripe for us as policy makers to support and implement an economic strategy that will inspire business confidence and enables a competitive business environment with access to skills and one that provides opportunities for our young people to live and work here in Region 10,” Adams said.

Hughes, Fields and Stoby’s office is located on Republic Avenue, Mackenzie Linden. Linden Attorney-At-Law Ms. Konya Sandyford, will play an integral role in the oversight of the office.