July 27, 2024



MoE conducts welfare interventions in Region Ten

– File on NSSS student attack sent to DPP for advice

Welfare officials holding discussions with students of NGSS

The Chief Schools Welfare Office in collaboration with the Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) Unit of the Ministry of Education visited Region Ten to conduct an outreach exercise at the New Silver City Secondary School and the Mackenzie High School. These visits were in response to the recent incident involving Jaheim Straker who was seriously injured during an altercation with a fellow student. The team representing the Ministry held talks with the students and teachers. The team members that visited the school included Chief Schools Welfare Officer, Ms. Gillian Vyphuis, Assistant Chief Education Officer (HFLE), Ms. Carol Benn, Senior Guidance and Counselling Officers, Mr. Vickram Mohabir and Ms. Sharon Dyall along with Health and Family Life Education Coordinator, Ms. Colleen King-Cameron and two welfare officers from the Region.

Meanwhile it was reported in some sections of the media that the Minister of Education Priya Manickchand has expressed, that violent behavior in schools will not be tolerated and will result in serious consequences. She indicated that a juvenile correctional facility on the Essequibo Coast in Region Two – is an option for them to continue their education.

“I want to say to children very, very firmly, that kind of behaviour is not going to be tolerated, we would be prepared to use the law to remove children who are a threat to other children even as we ensure they are being educated and there are facilities for that. “So, you could go to [New Opportunity Corps] and receive an education as is your constitutional right but not be a threat to other children,” Minister Manickchand said.

She related that the investigation into the incident is being undertaken and a file was sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for legal advice.

NSSS student Jaheim Straker

“I hope that body (DPP) acts urgently and swiftly and please note I am not telling them what to do,” Minister Manickchand said.

Minister Manickchand paid for the oustanding medical expense on the student was who to undergo emergency surgery. He is recovering well.