July 26, 2024



Gov’t spends $2.3 B to subsidise electricity in Linden, $500 M for Kwakwani

  • VP Jagdeo says subsidy will not be removed
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo during a recent outreach to Linden

The Government of Guyana expends $2.3 B and $500 M to subsidise electricity for the town of Linden and the Upper-Berbice community of Kwakwani respectively. Following claims that this subsidy will be removed which will result in increased electricity rates for Lindeners, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, says that these subsidies will not be removed. He alluded to the statement made by Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton, at his Friday engagement with members of the Linden Utility Cooperative Society Limited (LUSCSL). “The most recent of such is his peddling of the lie that the PPP/C Government plans to remove the electricity subsidy from Region 10. This is totally untrue as the government has no such plans.
Guyanese should therefore not fall prey to Norton’s attempt to mislead and cause panic,” the Vice-President noted.

At his recent outreach to Linden, VP Jagdeo revealed the amount expended on subsidised electricity for Region 10 and also revealed that a 15 megawatt solar farm will be constructed in the mining town to provide reliable power through renewable energy.

Norton engaged members of LUSCSL following  a decision by the Ministry of Labour Coop Department, to dissolve the current management committee and install an Interim Management Committee. The Ministry of Labour made the decision as investigations revealed that the Coop is not being managed as it should. In a correspondence, Chief Cooperative Development Officer Debbie Persaud, informed the Committee that as a result of its incompetence, an IMC will manage the affairs of the Coop. ……. “I am of the opinion that the current Committee of Management is unable to manage the affairs of Linden’s Utility Services Cooperative Society Ltd,” the correspondence mentioned.

In a press release from the Ministry of Labour, its stated that the reason for the decision was because of the need for accountability and transparency. No Annual General Meeting was held since 2014, despite this must be held annually, conflict of interest of interest, no audit and no payment of dividends to members, were some of the reasons listed for the disbanding. The current Management Committee however has not recognised the board and will be taking legal action against the ministry.