July 27, 2024



AFC elects new leadership for Region 10

Newly elected chairman- Mark Goring

On Sunday, the Alliance For Change (AFC) political party, Region 10 chapter, conducted its elections for members of the Regional Management Committee ( RMC).

The election was completed successfully among its Linden membership and regional councillors Mark Goring and Noris king, were elected Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively. Elected as secretary was Coretta Brathwaite- Walton,  Treasurer Louisa Desouza and Secretary Treasurer Norvell Fredericks. Elected as committee members were Michelle Daniels and Roxanne Davis. Present at the elections to give guidance and support were also Vice Chairman of the AFC Katherine Hughes, General Secretary David Patterson and Member of Parliament Devin Sears.

Newly elected members of the Regional Management Committee

Newly elected Chairman Mark Goring posited that he is happy and humbled to be elected to the leading position and said his first task as the RMC is to work collectively with all the members of the party to grow the membership and strengthen its base.

Newly elected members also expressed how they intend to continue meaningful discussions with their APNU counterparts to consolidate the APNU+AFC coalition party for the development of the region and Guyana as a whole.