July 27, 2024



Mackenzie High School tops Region 10 at CSEC

One of MHS top performer Tyrell Thornhill

Linden’s premier high school, Mackenzie High School, raked in the top results for this year’s Caribbean Secondary Examination Council (CSEC), for Region 10. The school was the only one in the region, with a student securing eight Grades Ones and over. That student has been identified as Brandon Bynoe according to the Ministry of Education. Bynoe wrote 11 subjects and secured eight Grade Ones, one Grade Two and two Grade Threes. Another top performer is Tyrell Thornhill who wrote the most subjects for the school. He wrote 12 subjects and secured six Grade Ones and six Grade twos. The Ministry of Education has not yet released the names of the top ten students for the region.

A total of 10,368 candidates were registered for the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) 2022 examinations. Subject entries for 2022 were 62,990. An analysis of the 2022 preliminary results revealed that the overall pass rate at the General and Technical proficiencies for Grades One to Three was 68.5%.  The overall pass rate for 2021 was 66.36%.

Improved performance was evident in 20 subjects and remained constant in six subjects. Outstanding performances were noted in nine subjects where 90% and over gained acceptable Grades (1 – 3). Some subjects with outstanding performances were Agricultural Science (Double Award) with 99.43%, Music with 100%, Electronic Documentation Preparation & Management with 90.90% and Industrial Technology – Mechanical with 98.68 %.

Mathematics and English

Grades One to Three passes in English A improved from 67.72% in 2021 to 70.84% in 2022. Mathematics moved from a pass rate of 31.6% in 2021 to 34.28% in 2022.