July 26, 2024



MC’s Educational Institute secures 71 % passes in Grades One to Three at CSEC

  • 100 % passes for several subject areas
Kevin DeJonge

The MC’s Educational Institute, a private secondary school in Linden, continues to rake in good results at the Caribbean Secondary Examination Council (CSEC). This year the school offered nine subjects  at the CSEC level and 16 students wrote the exam. Principal of the institution institution Kevin DeJonge noted that the overall grades gained were 93 percent passes in Grades One to Four and 71 percent passes in Grades One to Three. This year’s top student is Miss Densea Duncan who gained four Grade Ones, four Grade Twos and one Grade Three.

He noted that the school has dropped in its results for Social Studies and Mathematics, however efforts to ensure students excel will be put forth by the teachers. “We see areas for tremendous improvement  and we are already exploring ways and means of getting it done,” DeJonge said. He also posited that since 2010 when it had its first sitting, the school has maintained its average number of passes.

The students gained 11 Grade Ones compared to four Grade Ones, two years ago; 33 Grade Twos compared to 12 Grade Twos, two years ago; 30 Grade Threes, 22 Grade Fours and seven Grade Fives. Three students wrote Agricultural Science,  a new  subject added to the school’s curriculum last year and it gained two Grade Ones and one Grade Two in total.

In English A, the school copped 62 percent in Grades One to Three. In Social Studies,  44 percent in Grades One to Three, Integrated Science  got 80 percent in Grades One to Three, Human and Social Biology got 100 percent passes in Grades One to Three. For  Principles of Business, 75 percent in Grades One to Three, Mathematics 31 percent in Grades One to Three, 100 percent passes were gained in Grades One to Three for Office Administration, Principal of Accounts, EDPM and Agricultural Science.

DeJonge added, that for the new school year there has been adjustments and delivery has been enhanced in multiple ways. “ We want to enhance technology a little more as it relates to the delivery of the curriculum,” He has partnered with an overseas based Guyanese  and now they have a computer lab to offer the ‘Introduction to Computers and Coding. Other subjects added to this year’s curriculum include Entrepreneurship Training, Management Skills Training, Customer Service and Marketing which will be joined with the Ministry of Education’s curriculum to prepare a more rounded student for the world of work.