July 27, 2024



Linden Foundation Student feared drowned at Kara Kara creek

– student performed excellently at sports on Friday

Kenneitha Graves- NCN Linden Photo

A 14-year-old student identified as Kenneitha Graves, a student of the Linden Foundation Secondary School, is feared drowned at the Kara Kara creek. The incident occurred around 10:00 hrs. on Saturday.

Enquiries disclosed that about 09:30 hours, the victim left her home unknowing to her mother Natasha Graves, and she went to a house at Lower Kara Kara where she normally goes to play with children living there.

A woman residing at the house she went, stated that around the time mentioned, Graves was standing by a creek which is located at the back of her yard. Devika said she told the teen: “If you cannot swim move from next to the creek.”

Devika said she left the teen standing there and was about to go into her home when she heard someone shouting for “help, help”.

She then turned and saw the victim in the water helpless and she was sinking.

On seeing this, she said she began to shout for help because she cannot swim either. A short while after the victim’s body submerged under the water. Persons in the area rushed to the creek and immediately started to search for the victim but due to the strong current in that area they were unable to located her thus far.

Searches are presently being made to locate the body.