July 27, 2024



$1.7B approved to subsidise electricity cost for Lindeners

The National Assembly on Monday, approved the sum of $1.7 Billon for additional resources to support the Linden Electricity Company Inc (LECI) in Region Ten (Upper Demerera- Berbice).

The sum forms part of the $2.9 Billion advances from the contingency fund for consideration in the National Assembly.

Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips in defending the sum, explained that the additional $1.7 Billion was expended to subsidise the rise in fuel cost to ‘keep the lights on in Linden.’

He further explained that the electricity is generated from the Bosai Minerals Group, which requested the additional sum due to the rise in fuel cost.

The LECI has a contract with Bosai…This is based on an invoice submitted by Bosai. Cheques were written and paid to Bosai,” he noted.

Opposition Member of Parliament (MP), David Patterson questioned the reason for the funds being sought under the contingency fund.

The Prime Minister explained that the government has a responsibility to ensure that the necessary resources are made available for adequate electricity supply in the mining town.

“We don’t want to have a situation where Bosai cannot supply electricity and then we are running to get money or asking Bosai to continue to provide electricity while we try to get the money and the people of Linden suffer for a period of time without electricity,” PM Phillips told the House.

The government is seeking the National Assembly’s approval for supplementary provisions totaling over $4.7 billion for developmental projects countrywide. (taken from DPI)