July 27, 2024



Region 10 RDC express concern about legitimacy of CDC elections

Elected officials of the Regional Democratic Council, Region 10, are concerned that Community Development Council (CDC) elections that are due and are being executed throughout Region 10, are being compromised. Residents from some communities have expressed concerns about the illegitimacy of the election process and the influence of political operatives on the process for it to be held clandestinely. So far elections were held in South Mackenzie.

“The ninth Regional Democratic Council #10 condemns these cowardly and undemocratic acts…..” a statement from the RDC noted. “To the officers and public servants responsible for CDCs operating under the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development Council, the RDC advises you to respect the spirit of what Community Development Councils represent; the will of the people to identify their leaders at the Community level.”

The RDC calls on residents to ensure that they are not blocked from participating in these elections and that they are not coerced into electing specific leaders. “As such, residents please note that it is your democratic right to participate in the elections of your community representatives to ensure that persons with the genuine interest of the community are elected to the various leadership positions.”

Officers with the responsibility for CDCs are urged to execute their duties with impartiality and without favour, to ensure that a true reflection of the will of the people is realized and that all residents of communities are given the chance to participate in the CDC election process at all times.

Meanwhile Dominique Henry was elected as Chairman, while Omisha Haynes was elected as the Vice Chairman of South Mackenzie.