July 27, 2024



Consistent, hard work resulted in success for Region 10’s top performers

While her parents ensured her schedule was balanced and was not all ‘work, work, work’, Region 10’s top performer Selah Erskine had to put in consistent, hard work to ensure she was successful. While Erskine was optimistic about being awarded a place at a top school, she was surprised however that she was the top performer for Region 10 with 504.8 marks. She was awarded a place at Queen’s College.

Still in shock for words, the top performer said she is very proud of herself. “I didn’t expect it, but I felt pretty proud of myself, I studied regularly and put in the hard work. She expressed appreciation to her mother for supporting her during this period. Her very proud mother said Erskine was a top performer at school but she did not become complacent with her schedule and put in all the extra work to complement what she did during school hours. She however ensured her schedule was not very rigorous but remained balance.   “It wasn’t work, work all the  time, I ensured I put in the work with her during the weekends,” she said.

 Her teacher Miss Lotoya Mcphoy, said she is pleased with Erksine’s results as she always remained consistent and focused. Preparing students for NGSA was not an easy task but she is happy she was rewarded at the end. It’s a lot of hard work, truthfully, it takes a lot out of you especially mentally but when you have to push yourself to get the job completed, at the end, the rewards are great,” she said.

Copping second place in the region from the One Mile Primary School is Deleana Herculese, who secured a place at Queen’s College with 504 marks. Deleana, like Selah, spoke about remaining consistent. Excitement overflowed when the announcement was made. “We had to study a lot, we studied hard for the mock exams and then we continued for the finals, we did not stop,” the future President said.

She expressed appreciation to her teacher, parents and other family members for supporting her during the preparation period. Her equally excited and proud mother said the process for her daughter was challenging but she supported her tremendously. She spent over 12 hours at school and extra lessons, then had to complete homework and studying until after midnight. “I feel very proud, I knew she would have done well, I feel very excited.

The other top ten performers for Region 10 respectively are Ateisha Frank, Gerimiyah Petal Burgess, Shanique Storm, Amora Chesney, Keziah Ellis, Zylinna Jacobis, Avianne Basdeo and Deyse Dos Santos.