July 27, 2024



400 jobs to be created from BOSAI’s US$150 M kiln #15 and maz project

BOSAI Mineral Group Guyana has made a significant investment into the bauxite industry in Linden with the commissioning of the # 15 Kiln and launching its new Maz Project which is an investment of approximately US$150 M. Over 400 residents of Region 10 will benefit from employment and the project will rake in more than US $200 M per annum.  This is expected to create over 400 jobs in Region 10 and will increase efficiency and the production rate of bauxite mining in the town of Linden.

Kiln #15 is the first new kiln built by BMGG since the 1970s, with a capacity 1.5 times that of the old one.  The MAZ Project is aimed at the mass production of metallurgical bauxite will also include the purchasing of scores of heavy-duty machinery, expansion of the ports for ship loading, establishment of a new trans-shipment system and the construction of a new conveyor belt stretching nine millimeters away from the mining facility to the front of the port.

BOSAI’s General Manager said the new kiln and the project are expected to take the company’s operations to another level and will be fully compliant with environmental protection and energy conservation policies. “Bosai will continue to proudly partner with the people of Guyana, making contributions to the prosperity of the people of this wonderful nation,” he said.

President Ali commended BOSAI for undertaking such a massive investment and said his administration is strategically utilising oil and gas resources to promote sustainability, especially in the natural resources sector.

“We are not neglecting the traditional sectors of the economy. We are investing in industries and sectors, hoping to add value to their production so that they can earn more money. That is why the aluminium plants are critical to the modernisation and transformation of our country. We hope the necessary investments will move bauxite production higher up the value chain. Bauxite has a guaranteed future in Guyana.

“Our government has a sound track record of supporting the ailing industry for more than a decade. We also intensified private ownership, and participation in bauxite mining, which allowed the recapitalisation and continued operations,” the president underscored.

The government will give the company the support needed throughout the process.  “This process is a massive investment, we are committed to ensuring the viability of this investment…..we want to see you accomplishing the targets for 2023,” he said.

Over the last three years, bauxite production has increased from 608,000 tonnes in 2020 to 705,000 tonnes in 2022, while exports have averaged more than 600,000 tonnes.

Last year, bauxite brought in some $US98.9m in export earnings, 23.6 % more than in 2021.

President Ali also commended China for contributing significantly to the development of Guyana’s industries. “China remains a strong bilateral partner, a strong development partner and a strong trading partner and we are very very proud of its strength and relationship.”

Similar sentiments were shared by China’s ambassador Hon. Guo Haiyan, who said that cooperation in mining between China and Guyana is significant and that the Chinese Government attaches great importance to issues of occupational health and safety, environmental protection, climate change amongst other things. The Ambassador said she sincerely hopes Guyana makes joint efforts to strengthen cooperation in various fields as Guyana is now at a historical moment of economic booming.

Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d), the Honourable Mark Phillips; Senior Minister within the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance, Dr Ashni Singh; Minister of Home Affairs, the Honourable Robeson Benn; Minister of Natural Resources, the Honourable Vickram Bharrat; Minister of Public Works, the Honourable Juan Edghill; other Government officials; the Chinese Ambassador of Guyana HE Guo Haiyan; officials of BOSAI and Region 10, were in attendance.