July 27, 2024



Tackling social issues in Kwakwani high on the agenda for new council

  • RDC Administration pledges support

The newly sworn in Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) of Kwakwani, Region 10 has committed to taking a frontal approach to tackle social issues plaguing the community. Top on the agenda is reducing teenage pregnancy and school dropout rates as well as making representation for financial assistance to be provided for parents and grandparents experiencing challenges sending their children to school. On Tuesday Chairwoman Michelle Simeon and Vice Chairman Lindon McKenzie took the oath of office in the presence of Regional Executive Officer Dwight John and Regional Vice Chairman Mark Goring. Chairwoman Simeon said it is an honour to serve the new council and urged all councillors and stakeholders to put political affiliations aside and work for the benefit of the residents of Kwakwani.

Vice Chairman McKenzie expressed similar sentiments and said that the council has a ‘hefty task’ ahead in tackling teenage pregnancy and school dropouts. This he said will be handled via a collaborative approach with the police, school welfare and the social committee of council. In addition, he said, representation will be made for the necessary support to be given to the community’s male and female basketball and football teams as they continue to excel. This support includes the resurfacing of the basketball court. Infrastructural development is also on the agenda for the new council. This includes rehabilitation of roads, drainage and streetlights. On Tuesday, the RDC provided streetlights for the community.

Regional Executive Officer Dwight John, said the administration will continue to provide support to the NDC. John congratulated the new council for being elected to the position and urged the councillors to take up the mantle without fear or favour. “I am here, as I always pledge to work closely with the NDC, any issues they have, the RDC is always there to assist financially and physically, so am just glad I can continue to work with the Kwakwani NDC,” he said.

 Regional Vice Chairman Mark Goring who is responsible for the sub-region district said through consultations, programmes will be crafted that will ensure the community benefits from human, infrastructural and economic development. Representation will be made for timely release of subventions and additional support. “We are going to continue to work with them so that they can execute the duty they been elected to execute,” he said.

The Kwakwani NDC has twelve seats, seven were won by the A Partnership for National Unity while five were won by the People’s Progressive Party