May 6, 2024



Cracking the code of gender equality, in Jenel Mckinnon’s world

By Abiola Archer

Jenel McKinnon

In some societies around the world, there are inequitable laws, policies and norms that still hold women back, however women are still finding ways and strategies to differ the odds.

Jenel McKinnon,  36-year-old woman who hails from the mining town of Linden, a product of the Mackenzie High School, who holds a bachelor’s degree in business management from the University of Guyana (UG), has contributed significantly to this fight for equality.

Like this year’s Women’s International Day theme: ‘Cracking the Code: Innovation for a gender equal future’, Mckinnon while cracking the code has highlighted the role bold, transformative ideas, inclusive technologies, and education play in combatting discrimination and the marginalization of women globally. “As a child I was very outspoken and bold. From my early years I loved the area of the arts and literature. My father was convinced very early on that I would become a teacher, since I took my teaching job at about nine-years-old very serious teaching my little sister with a red chair cushion and chalk”.

For gender equality to be achieved, we must ensure women and girls have equal access to education and create clear pathways to inclusive workplaces for women. Mckinnon’s experiences and contributions to her community have been many. “In my sphere of influence, I’ve come to the conclusion that my relevancy matters. When it comes to navigating as it is often said a ‘’man’s world”, I have found, that showing up in my authenticity and being bold works. Learning to be assertive, to the point and sticking to my principles are roots that even the men can’t deny make for good business. Respect will be earned as you do your work in excellence. Being great at your soft skills really does set you apart as a woman in the world. This is what makes us unique.”

McKinnon now a self-published Author of two inspirational books on healing, entitled: Breakout the Box and Project Reject.  She is also the founder of Beauty for Ashes Media Ministry and founder of the Faith Prophetic Dance Academy.  “As a young woman who started off pretty confused and wanting to become something new every other day, I can confidently say I’m walking in my purpose and headed to my destiny.”

Author Jenel McKinnon displaying one of her books Project Reject

She expressed that her key to her accomplishments is consistency. “On the days when all is flourishing, be consistent, on the days when the storm is raging, be consistent. When you hit your sale targets be consistent and when no one buys, stay consistent.”

Financial freedom as a woman is power and adds great value to our society. When you earn your own coins you don’t have to wholly depend on your mate or spouse, which in itself is liberating. “My Advice for young women would be to launch out now, stop waiting for the perfect conditions to follow your dreams of being an entrepreneur, scientist, nurse, chef, whatever you aspire to become you have to take the first step and start.”