The construction of a brand new Christianburg Wismar Secondary School (CWSS) is scheduled to commence in the last quarter of 2024. The school is expected to be the first state-of-the-art secondary facility that will incorporate some of the latest technologies for learning, modern facilities and architectural designs.
Soil testing was recently completed and the proposed construction site for the school is the current Blueberry Hill Ball field. The sum of $850 M was budgeted for this project, and it is scheduled to be completed within 24 months. The school will house approximately 1000 students and 100 teachers. Acting Regional Education Officer (REDO) La Shanna Anderson, related that the modern school will sport facilities such as a gym, smart classrooms, Science, Food and Nutrition, Home Economics and Information Technology labs and a music room.
Regional Executive Officer (REO) Dwight John said all the necessary arrangements will be implemented so that regular school sessions will not be disrupted. “School sessions will not be disrupted during this process; the current school building will be occupied until the new school is completed.” John also mentioned that after the new school is completed the old school will be demolished and the said area will be redesigned and reconstructed into a new community ball field with the necessary facilities and infrastructures such as seating accommodation, lights, washrooms etc. This is also included in the contract.
Before construction commences, consultation will be done with the students, teachers, residents of the community and other stakeholders that will be involved or affected during this period.
REO John also related that teachers currently residing in the compound, will be relocated.
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