July 27, 2024



You are knocking on open doors

-President Irfaan Ali tells Region 10 Officials

By Vanessa Braithwaite

His Excellency Dr. Ifraan Ali greets Regional Chairman Deron Adams

During his opening speech at the Region 10 Cabinet outreach, at the Watooka Guest House on Thursday morning, His Excellency Dr. Irfaan Ali, told Regional Chairman Derron Adams and other regional and municipal officials, they can be assured, that issues and concerns affecting the region socially and economically, will be addressed, as well as issues affecting the livelihood of the residents.

 Ali said that the elected officials of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC), the Linden Mayor and Town Council (LMTC) and other municipal bodies, have a friend in the government, and it is ready to work with them. “I assure you, I assure you that this government is ready to work with any community, I do not concern myself with the politics with any community, I concern myself with the welfare of the people of those communities,” Ali said.

He was addressing concerns raised by Regional Chairman Deron Adams, such as the availability of land for residential and commercial use, the stand order attached to the Linden Enterprise Network (LEN) loans department, improved public infrastructure, improved access to primary health care, and the implementation of a socio-economic plan for Region 10.

 “We belief strongly that the private sector has a critical role to play in this, this is not a political role, this is a developmental role, the political role ends at election, after that we all have to come together in a developmental mode, to advance communities, to advance the country, and advance the lives of people, so Regional Chairman, you are knocking at open doors,” Dr Ali reiterated.

Relative to the housing sector, the President said this great demand that is now in the region, is as a result of a sloth in the process over the last few years and residents of Region 10 can be assured that efforts will be made to create opportunities in this very important sector; not only to bring access to residential lands, but commercial and agricultural lands as well. “I want to assure you that we are going to push the resources, put back the vibrancy and energy into housing and create opportunities in the housing sector.” This he said will not only be done for residential land, but commercial and agricultural land.

The President also touched on creating employment in the region, through the telecommunications sector and improving family health by providing greater access to public health services. On his government’s agenda for Region 10, is also to develop the agriculture, tourism and technology sectors. These services will not only benefit Linden, but every community in Region 10, including the riverain and hinterland communities.

Following the opening ceremony, the President and his Cabinet held a closed-door meeting with regional stake holders. On the agenda, is a meeting with the public, to hear their concerns and challenges. Several ministers were dispatched to various communities to meet with residents and community leaders.