September 8, 2024



Bureau of Statistics urging citizens to cooperate with enumerators

The Bureau of Statistics (BOS), which is the official organization responsible for national data collection in an effort to analyse it for further dissemination, is urging citizens to cooperate with enumerators who would visit their homes to collect data as part of the ongoing labour force survey. The survey is being done to capture the current employment and unemployment rate throughout Guyana. In 2022, BoS is expected to commence a survey to determine the country’s population rate. “Data is valuable more than gold”, said the Chief Statistician of the
BOS . “It helps to enhance and improve what we do and helps us to make better decisions.”
The BOS is the main coordinator and producer of economic statistics, and national accounts. The main
data on population, economic and social conditions of households stems from censuses and surveys. The
BOS is recognised as the central authority on statistics in this country and is often requested to advise,
assist and inform governmental ministries, private sectors, and the public on statistical matters.

Currently, anyone can access the maps of the various communities in Guyana and statistics on the country’s
migration and visitation rate, pricing of goods and services, the employment and unemployment rate,
health and agricultural conditions among others. Surveys done by the BOS are also done to know the
standard of living in Guyana and to determine consumer price index along with personal and national
It is recommended that citizens cooperate with the enumerators who walk around to households and
businesses to gather those data since reliable and accurate data is needed for decision and policy making
for Guyana. Students can also access these information for their academic purposes. Information can be
found on the website statisticsguyana. or persons can visit the headquarters at 34 Main Street