July 26, 2024



Wiruni Toshao-Hopeful cites political victimization in nomination process

ToshaoHopeful Denzil Hartman

A nominee for the position of Toshao in the Upper-Berbice community of Wiruni, is claiming he is being victimised because of his political affiliations and is not being allowed to run for the post, though he has the most nominees compared to his opponents. Denzil Hartman of Wiruni, said he is optimistic that with the support he is receiving from the community, he will win the upcoming elections but is currently being blocked from participating because he was charged with fraud over 20 ago. In a correspondence to the Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai, Hartman said that the persons administrating over the elections, are refusing to accept his nominations, which are more that those he is running against. The reason they cited is that he was charged for fraud and should not be allowed to serve the community in such a high capacity.

He related that over two decades ago he had a court matter, which involved him embezzling $150,000. He collected the monies on behalf of a resident and instead of giving it to him, he spent it to offset expenses that were incurred to take the person from the community to Georgetown on several instances, to seek government assistance, after he was involved in an accident that rendered him paralysed. The individual is now dead. He said he was ordered to repay the person and he did so as soon as he could.

 Hartman said he is the leader of the APNU-AFC Coalition in the community and believes this is the main reason he is being blocked from participating in the upcoming elections.  Attached to the correspondence, are over 100 signatures of residents who are in support of him running for Toshao. He is hoping the matter will be resolved as soon as possible and democracy will prevail.