July 27, 2024



Dougie was a remarkable human being

Dear Editor

I pen this letter being in an unhappy state, as I join my fellow Lindeners and residents of Region Ten, as we mourn the death of our very young, vibrant and people centred servant, Vice Chairman, Mr. Douglas C Gittens. It is always difficult when one has to write about the passing of someone so young, especially one who was a dear friend, brother and comrade. Douglas Gitten, fondly known to many as “Dougie”, was a remarkable human being. He possessed an effervescent personality that always carried a smile and that occasional unique and distinctive outburst of laughter. A very jovial, humble and helpful individual. I have known Dougie since childhood, as a colleague in the teaching profession and as a comrade in the political arena. In all those phases of life, he was a beautiful human being, who loved life, people and service. In many of our political sojourns in and around the region we engaged in conversations about business, politics, service, community development and generally, about life. I told him once in his usual over exuberance to give service, that politics and people are not always what they may appear, and they may lead to hurts and disappointments; but despite this, you have to stay true to who you are, and hold on to the principled position of giving service to the people. This is what Dougie did to the end, he has given and lived a life of service to our people, to this town, region and by extension Guyana. As we mourn Dougie, Mr. Douglas Gittens, let us also celebrate his life. Celebrate the fact that we were blessed with so rare a gift of a fellow human being, a son, a Lindener, a leader, teacher, an activist, patriot, a friend, a brother and a comrade. Mr. Gittens’ presence was always felt and could not be ignored, his contributions and ideas were transformative and developmental. An individual whose life was lived giving his best, giving his life to serve others. In the words of the British poet and playwright William Shakespeare, “All that live must die, passing through nature to eternity”. Death is indeed our earthly human end but the life we live can make us live forever in the hearts and minds of those we love and those who loved us. Linden and Region Ten loved our brother, friend and comrade, who will surely be missed .His legacy of service will forever be permanent in our hearts and mind. Rest in peace comrade, and may you rise in eternal glory.


Jermaine Figueira

Member of Parliament(Region Ten).