July 27, 2024



Close the borders now

Dear Editor,

When governments fail to listen to the average man in the street, the entire nation will suffer! As I recall, the outbreak and the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the U.S.A. I personally took the opportunity using this platform, to call on the then APNU+AFC government to immediately close the borders of our country. My statement however came into high criticism by both supporters of the coalition and the then opposition claiming that I have no clue of what I am talking about.

One week after the first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed right in our backyard, the neighbouring country Brazil and following days after, the first case in Guyana. I made another statement calling on the then government again to immediately shut our borders and again I came into high criticism. Today after a careful tracking and observation of the new COVID Variant “Omicron”, I see the same pattern once again which definitely would be the blow to Guyana if not already here, gets here.

I am now taking this opportunity once again to call on the Government of Guyana to act quickly and responsibly to this situation for the sake of our tiny population by immediately closing our borders starting from Brazil/Guyana border in Lethem Region # 9, that was recently opened.

Save our country and our future.

Kevon Lorrimer

Leader Indigenous Congress for Alliance