July 27, 2024



Church’s Linden Branch is exploiting Lindeners

Dear Editor,

Permit me a space in your media to express my thoughts about Church’s Linden Branch and how the restaurant is exploiting the people of Linden; because there is no other fast food franchise in Linden. I have noticed that Church’s has without conscience and in a pandemic, raised most or if not all of its prices. What is most surprising is that these increased prices, are only reflected in Linden, which makes it discriminatory and outrageous against the people of this bauxite town.

I call on the people of Linden to stand up against this atrocity and boycott this franchise. There are several of our own local people who commenced fast food operations that we can support at this time. A simple one-piece meal that one use to enjoy for $520,00 particularly the school children, is now a licking $720,00. This is not the price for a one piece meal in any of its Georgetown locations. A two-piece combo is $1,320,00, while a three-piece combo is over $1,500,00. In addition to these exorbitant prices, the restaurant, that was recently refurbished and expanded its services with DQ, is still severely understaffed.

Lindeners are forced to stand in long lines and watch one poor cashier both cash and sell customers. The call-in service is useless, since you still have to wait for long periods when you get there, even though you made an order. The waitresses are extremely slow in their duties and do not operate as though they are working for a fast food joint, where they should be some ‘hussle’ in their steps. Everyone takes their precious time, while the line builds up. The services there are piss pour and must I not forget the little fries they place in the fries sac for your meals, even though the prices are sky high. Another observation is that the orders come with a bottle drink instead of a cup, which is an addition cost and this is done without asking whether the customer desires this or not.

In addition, Church’s is a multi-million dollar entity that has been in Linden since around 2006. I have rarely heard of Church’s fulfilling its corporate responsibility in Linden; giving back to other small businesses and other NGO groups. I call on the policy makers of this company to look into these concerns because I will not stop writing until they do. Don’t wait until a competitor comes to the town to level your prices. Your prices should be standard across the country and not set to exploit one set of people.

Yours truly,

Rudolph Bentick

Resident of Linden