July 27, 2024



Hampers in Ladern’s Ville were distributed fairly

Dear Editor

I am writing this letter in relation to a recent comment from residents of Ladern’s Ville in one of your recent article, that hampers are being shared in an unfair way. It seems that somebody is giving out wrong information, so let me clear the air. The very first time hampers came to Ladern’s Ville directly for flood relief, it was 25 Hampers, at that point 30 residents were affected by the flooding, so the 25 were distributed to the most affected ones at that time, anyway I keep getting calls asking for their hampers and I would explain, it was only for the flooded residents and it was only 25. To my great surprise, when the President came, he asked if hampers came since the flooding started. A few residents said yes! but it was only given to special people without knowing the full facts of it. The President in return said he will send 200 hampers and Minister Edghill will make sure everyone gets, but we only received 180 hampers, that was the reason for Minister Edghill’s coming and do the distribution by a chit. The hampers arrived about 1:15 pm and Minister Edgill arrived 20 minutes after. The signing for the hampers is at the community level. Minister Edgill didn’t ask for that. Signing was done for record keeping. At that time our residents’ list is 197 because some residents that were away from the community, returned home due to the same flooding in different communities, so the second time hampers came, it was 180, and we’re dealing with 197 residents. Every resident’s name was on the list, we tried our very best to ensure everyone get what rightly belongs to them. It wasn’t given to friends and family only. I even gave my own away to someone who was more vulnerable because I know there weren’t enough then, but I thank God for his goodness and mercies, two days after the distribution was done, the additional hampers came for the other 17 residents that didn’t receive or was out of the area during that time. At present they’re still a few residents that indicate they’re coming home today and will collect their own!! I will continue to thank God for whatever help we’re getting in this difficult time when I would be begging for help, God knows is not for myself and family it’s for the entire community… Father in heaven you are a witness to everyone and you be the judge

Waveney Schultz