July 27, 2024



Spanking new Christianburg Primary School reopens

The newly constructed Christianburg Primary School

Students residing in the Christianburg and surrounding communities are now accessing education in a spanking new, modern edifice. The school was reopened and is accommodating approximately 200 pupils and staff. It will be commissioned soon, according to Regional Executive Officer, Dwight John. In 2015, the school was deemed unsafe to occupy and students and teachers moved to the St. Aidens Primary School, which posed tremendous financial and other challenges on parents.

Head teacher of the Christianburg Primary School, said that the opportunity to return to their respective space would not have been possible without the help of the parents. “They were the ones to do the post construction cleaning so that we can now have the opportunity to occupy the building,” she revealed. The parents cleaned the school’s compound, washed down the classrooms and burnt unwanted scraps that were around the surroundings.

Parents and teachers of the Christianburg Primary School, expressed how grateful and elated they are to be back in their own space. One teacher described it as, “a moment we’ve been waiting for”.

The teachers and pupils of the Christianburg Primary School were moved to the St. Aidens Primary school because the old building was sinking and could have collapsed at any time. At St. Aidens, all classes occupied the school’s auditorium and a shift system was used.  Challenges they encountered were inadequate space to accommodate the school’s population, the long distance teachers and students had to travel to get to school resulted in additional transportation cost, impunctuality, and irregularity in attendance. In addition, many parents opted to transfer their children to other schools.   

The new school was commissioned to the tune of $119 M by S and K Construction and Consultancy Firm.

Abiola Archer