July 27, 2024



KUI honours NGSA and CSEC top students of Kwakwani

The Kwakwani Utilities Incorporated (KUI) on Monday, November 15, honoured the top 10 pupils of Kwakwani who recently sat the National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) examinations and Caribbean Secondary Examination Council (CSEC).
As a form of motivation and encouragement, the utility company gifted top performers with an electronic tablet during the company’s maiden award ceremony for their outstanding performance.

KUI’s General Manager, Mr. David Adams, said it is imperative that the company honours the community’s outstanding performers as the journey to these examinations was beyond the norm. Rather than the customary ‘burning of the mid night oil’, students were plagued with the worst flood to ever hit the community; poor internet connectivity and the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, which all posed extra challenges for the preparation process.

“KUI would like to honour you because you were outstanding at your academics for the last five years. We have to honour these kids because of their hard work; their dedication towards education and to be able to achieve what they would have achieved in a pandemic period and for these children to be this successful despite limited access to the internet, we should all feel proud of them,” Mr. Adams said.

Adams in his charge to the CSEC top performers, told them their secondary education has been completed and they can either advance their education or enter the world of work; whichever path they decide to take, it requires discipline.

With the limited availability of jobs to match one’s academic achievements in the Upper-Berbice district, the general manager vows to create employment for the school leavers, who wish to enter the world of work. He committed to support students who desire to pursue tertiary education or training programmes offered through the Board of Industrial Training (BIT).

Delivering the feature address was the Chief Accountant Officer of the Hinterland Electrification Company Inc (HECI), Annie Ramnarine.
Ms. Ramnarine urged the outgoing pupils to take charge of their adulthood and brace themselves for a bumpy ride. “I won’t lie to you, it’s not going to be an easy road, your parents can tell you that. Don’t ever give up on achieving your goal in life, don’t ever give up your dreams for nothing, just embrace it, it’s part of growing up, it doesn’t matter how difficult it might seem to be, that is what molds you to be that strong person in life,” she encouraged.

NGSA top performers were encouraged to continue striving for excellence as they move to a new learning environment. “For some it will be away from their homes, but through it all, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t make it,” Ramnarine told the students, while imploring parents to encourage their children to keep on thriving.
In their academic pursuits. “I want all of you to pursue your dreams and your goals and to make Kwakwani proud,” Ramnarine urged.

Top 10 performers at the NGSA examinations are: Delica Patoir, scoring 486 marks and a place at President’s College; Patoir copped the third spot on the top 10 list for the Upper Berbice district. Second place was copped by Raphella Rambarran, who scored 462 marks and a spot at the Mackenzie High Schoo; David Ketwaroo, scoring 456 and a place at Mackenzie High School; Leniera Sampson, scored 454 and a spot at the Mackenzie High School; Tyreek Sampson,451 ; Jemimah Marcus, 444 ; Tehier Conway, 442 ; Shavis Smith, 439 ; Roshad Callendar, 425 and Shaunte Hyderkhan, 422.

Meanwhile, Kwakwani’s CSEC top performers are : Sheshouna Munroe, Keron Smith, Jalen Jones, Demarcus Adams, Raulston Downer, Kwame Primo, Kimerly Busgith, Nejalyn Patterson, Lynton Osborne and Herly Hercules.